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Preliminary tests

If cheating is suspected, the evaluation stops here. Use the "Cheat" flag to report it. Take this decision calmly, wisely, and please, use this button with caution.


The code must compile with c++ and the flags -Wall -Wextra -Werror
Don't forget this project has to follow the C++98 standard. Thus,
C++11 (and later) functions or containers are NOT expected.

Any of these means you must not grade the exercise in question:

  • A function is implemented in a header file (except for template functions).
  • A Makefile compiles without the required flags and/or another compiler than c++.

Any of these means that you must flag the project with "Forbidden

  • Use of a "C" function (*alloc, *printf, free).
  • Use of a function not allowed in the exercise guidelines.
  • Use of "using namespace <ns_name>" or the "friend" keyword.
  • Use of an external library, or features from versions other than C++98.

Ex00: Easy find

As usual, there has to be the main function that contains enough tests to prove the program works as expected. If there isn't, do not grade this exercise. If any non-interface class is not in orthodox canonical class form, do not grade this exercise.

Template function

There is a templated function easyFind(T, int) that does what the
subject requires.
It HAS to use STL algorithms.
If it does not (like manual search using iterators for example), count
it as wrong.

Ex01: Span

As usual, there has to be the main function that contains enough tests to prove the program works as expected. If there isn't, do not grade this exercise. If any non-interface class is not in orthodox canonical class form, do not grade this exercise.

Class and member functions

There is a class that complies with the constraints of the subject.
Its member functions use STL algorithms to find their result as much as
possible. Finding the shortest span can't be done only by subtracting
the two lowest numbers (take a closer look at the subject example).

Improved addNumber function

There's a way to add numbers that's more practical than calling the
addNumber() function repeatedly.

Ex02: Mutated abomination

As usual, there has to be the main function that contains enough tests to prove the program works as expected. If there isn't, do not grade this exercise. If any non-interface class is not in orthodox canonical class form, do not grade this exercise.

MutantStack class

There is a MutantStack class that inherits from std::stack and offers
all of its member functions.
It has an iterator. Also, it is possible to do at least the operations
shown in the subject's examples using iterators.

Better tests

There is a at least a main() function that has more tests than the ones
from the subject.


Don’t forget to check the flag corresponding to the defense
