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Preliminary tests

Search for Julia and Mandelbrot sets on Wikipedia, or watch the e-learning videos, to have an idea of what the rendering must look like.

Minimal requirements

Does the assignment meet the minimal requirements?

  • The repository isn't empty.
  • Norminette shows no errors.
  • No cheating.
  • No forbidden function/library.
  • There is no global variable.
  • The code compiles with the required options.
  • The executable is named as expected.
  • During execution, there is no brutal or unmanaged crash (segfault, bus error, and so forth).
  • No memory leaks.

Mandatory part

Evaluate the following points.

Graphic management

Is the graphic management functional?

  • When the program runs, there is at least a graphic window open.
  • Pressing the key ESC exits the program properly (no leaks).
  • There is a visual change when using the mouse wheel (even if wrong, this part is about checking the event management only).


How does the Julia set behave?

  • Does it looks like it should? Search for the Julia fractal set on the internet if you're not sure.
  • Is it possible to zoom in and out and the basic pattern repeats?
  • Search for some different Julia sets. You should be able to recreate them by passing different parameters to the program.
  • Are there colors to represent the depth of the fractal?


How does the Mandelbrot set behave?

  • Does it looks like it should?
  • Is it possible to zoom in and out and the basic pattern repeats?
  • Compare the result with some reference pictures: they all look alike, you can't miss them.
  • Are there colors to represent the depth of the fractal?

Parameters management

Is the parameter's management implemented according to the subject?
Are wrong parameters correctly handled?
(Some optional parameters could be handled, for example for the bonus part.)

MiniLibX images

Take a look at the code and check whether the student uses the images from
the MLX to draw the image instead of putting pixels one by one. ;)

Bonus part

A lot of nice extras.

Zoom follows the mouse

The zoom works where the mouse is and not only at the center of the image.


It must be possible to move the view using the arrow keys. It should also
work with the zoom: if an arrow is pressed, the view should move if the
user didn't zoom in or out, but also if they did.


The color palette is awesome.

  • Either you say Ouhaaa because it's very beautiful.
  • Either you say Ouhaaa because it's insanely psychedelic.
  • Either you say Ouhaaa because the colors change.

A third fractal

There is at least one more fractal!! Working, nice, and that is actually a
fractal different than the two mandatory ones.


Don’t forget to check the flag corresponding to the defense
